Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Good Day

By Keith Fisher

I didn't have time to edit. please forgive my mistakes

A few years ago, while having a particularly stressful day at work, I voiced some of my concerns and did some complaining. It made me feel good to vent, Even better if I could draw people into my frustration. There is not doubt, having someone say, “poor boy” gave credence to my feelings.

During one particular rant, a coworker made a comment that set me back. Something like “I don’t have time to worry about that stuff,” or something. I was disarmed. My friend was right. My complaints were menial compared to the big picture.

I made up my mind to try and build people. Instead of dragging them down, I’d try to raise them up. This was a monumental thing for someone like me. First I had to develop a positive attitude myself. Then, I had to build others and try to help them be all they could be.

I’d like to tell you I’ve been successful in my endeavor, but I have days when I want to strike out and take the rest of humanity with me. Oh, there have been a few successes, but those were times when I could feel a higher power trying to bless other people.

As writers, we tend to look at the success of our peers and wonder why. We often tell ourselves, we are as good a writer as those being published. We grasp at misconceptions and get frustrated by our own efforts. Then there are other times, when writing seems to be a waste of time. We say what ever made me think I could be a writer.

We all have doubts and frustrations, but it amazes me to see the few who build others. A few words, a pat on the back, a way to go, or a little hug, seems to come easy for them. I’m sure they will never know how much they build the rest of us.

Since the time we worked together, I’ve seen my friend have doubts. There have been times when life closed in around them, and frustration set in. I know my writing heroes do too.

I wish I could reach out and convince them how much they mean to me. Light emulates from them, and they’ve helped me get through times of darkness. I hope I can be that for them. I want to be the purveyor of a good day.

I hope you will accept my good intentions, because I believe you are a writer because God intended it that way. Don’t give in to the feelings of doubt. Have a good day.

Good luck with your writing---see you next week.

1 comment:

Nichole Giles said...

Thanks, Keith. You have impeccable timing. As always. You're a good friend.