Saturday, April 19, 2008

Warning! Graphic Images!

By Keith Fisher

It’s been six weeks since my wife was awakened early in the morning by our nervous cat. She needed a midwife, the cat . . . not my wife. Anyway, it was a Sunday morning and we ended up being late for church. It was a magical event for our family, but by the time the sixth kitten was born it was pretty monotonous. The cat wasn’t very thrilled either.
My daughter started naming the kittens almost as fast as they were born. "Don’t do that," I said. "We’re going to have to give them away . . . what’s that? No, we’re not keeping just one."

Well, as I said, it’s been six weeks . . .

When the cat got, uh, in the family way (this is a family blog), my daughter assured me some kids at school most definitely had permission . . . well, you know where this is going. Does anybody want a kitten?

Okay, to be fair, I won’t tell you how cute they are, or how they purr when you stroke their fur. I won’t even tell you they all have blue eyes like their mother. On second thought . . . I will tell you, they all have cute meows that’ll melt your heart.
Did I mention it’s been six weeks?
You’re probably wondering what all this has to do with writing. Well . . . I’m shameless. I’m going to have a literature contest and, anyone . . . well, everyone who gives me the correct answer gets a kitten. But you better hurry. I only have six.

Did I mention it’s been six weeks?
Okay here's the question . . . what is the name of our blogck . . . uh, I mean blog . . . what’s that? You want a harder question? Darn. Okay . . . who is your favorite author and why?

Now, there you have it. Leave your answer in the comment trail and tell me where in Utah County you want to meet your new kitten. Oh so cute . . . just look at the pictures. Provide the right answer and you’ll be happily stroking the fur on your new kitten. Did I mention it’s been six weeks?
Good luck in your writing—see you next week.


Kim Thompson said...

Cute pictures! But no, I definitely DON'T want a kitten. And no, you can't talk to Emily. She would be easily persuaded.

Andy Lemmon said...

Aww! If only I lived in Utah. Washington's just a bit too far away though. (Though I bet my husband's grateful for that. He doesn't want a cat yet)

Weston Elliott said...

I'd love one -- but I think the two I already have would object, and my husband would have fits. So I think I'm outvoted!

Good luck finding them good homes!

Karlene said...

They are definitely cute! Almost makes me want one--but not quite. The trouble is they grow up to be cats and we already have three of those, plus a dog, plus a giant raccoon that has adopted us and eats all our cat food.

Jennifer said...

I refuse to let my children see this post. :D

What cute kitties, though. I love baby animals of any kind, though. Except spiders. Even baby spiders aren't cute.

Good luck finding them homes.

G. Parker said...

isn't it funny how they love the camera?? It was so much fun taking pictures of ours. Good luck!