By Keith Fisher
I’m writing from the LDStorymakers Writer’s conference this week, wish you were here. I’ll send you some pictures. I heard Tim Travaglini-Senior Editor, Putnam Books talk about some of the same things as I have written, but I wrote it three days ago, honest. So if you heard this at the conference, I hope it’s not a repeat for you.
Have you ever asked yourself what you would do if you knew you would never be published? Go ahead, I’ll give you a minute to think about it . . . good, hold that thought while I talk about victories for a moment.
I was inspired the other day by Marsha Ward. In her blog, she talked about our tendencies toward self-doubt and the bouts with depression even multi-published authors succumb to. It lifted me to know we all struggle to believe in ourselves.
There are many stories about writers who, after submitting their work umpteen times, finally get published. The lesson is simple: Never give up, keep writing, keep submitting, use rejections as proof to the IRS that you really are trying to get published.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe, especially when we see the great successes others are having. We wonder why we ever deluded ourselves into believing we could make a difference. I’m told there are thousands of would be writers with desires to write a novel, but they never actually begin.
If you are putting words together on paper with an end result in mind, you’re a writer. You have surpassed those who never start.
So, now we have established you are a writer, get on with your chosen occupation. Write for the sheer pleasure of it. If it turns out bad, file it away and start another story.
I found a quote in The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman that is pertinent. " . . . become devoted to the craft of writing, for it’s own sake. Ask yourself what would you do if you found out you would never be published. Would you still write? If you are truly writing for the art of it, the answer would be yes. And then, every word is a victory."
Be victorious. Find joy in creation. You will notice that the more you write the better you will get, and someday you will be published, although it may be a great shock.
Good luck with your writing, wish you were here. See you next week.
Four easy Christmas candy recipes
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for Heather Justesen and Heather Tullis.
5 years ago
Oh my goodness, we could have talked about some of my old friends. I served in Sussex, NB, Dartmouth, NS in two areas, tracted in Halifax, served in Truro, Antigonish, Gander NFLd, tracted in St John, NB oh the joy of remembering. Donairs on the warf in Dartmouth. Victoria day and the ships in the harbor. OH the fireworks over Halifax Harbor.
and how much the church has grown since Elder Maxwell created the first stake in Maritimes---the last mission in north America to get a stake. It is interesting that it was also the first place the first missionaries went. The work excelerated after Elder Maxwell came.
It was good to see you too and put a non photographic face to your name. thanks for commenting.
Thanks for the poignant reminder about why we really do this writing thing. I think it's something we all needed to hear.
You are a great example to all of us. Thanks for introducing me to your world. I feel lucky to be called your friend.
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